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Then make them fascinated about math, especially geometrical concepts. Early math skills provide an opportunity to your kids to become more innovative and creative. Visualizing things is a crucial skill as well.

Here, am presenting one such math topic related to Geometry, which is SYMMETRY.

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Symmetry is an important geometrical concept which is most imaginative and productive. If you perceive, symmetry is most commonly around us. In almost all the things you handle. To name a few, it can be a coat, a pair of trousers or a leaf.

An object is said to have symmetry if it can be split into two equal parts, such that one part is identical (same size and shape) to the other. To put it even more simple, one part should coincide the other part when folded at the line of symmetry. Also, one part is the mirror image of the other. Thus, these objects exhibit Reflection Symmetry as one half is the reflection of the other.

What are the dotted lines shown above?

It is called Line of Symmetry. A line that divides a figure into two equal (identical) halves is called the line of symmetry. We have vertical line of symmetry and horizontal line of symmetry. An object symmetrical about the vertical axis is said to have vertical line of symmetry. Similarly, about the horizontal axis means, horizontal line of symmetry.

Vertical line of symmetry

Horizontal line of symmetry

Number of lines of symmetry

There are a number of objects that exhibit more that one line of symmetry. Consider a Rhombus. It is symmetrical along the vertical and horizontal axis. Rectangle as well. You can also find the number of lines of symmetry for quadrilaterals by paper folding method. This can work as an important activity for kids.

More than two lines of Symmetry

Many geometric shapes have more than two lines of symmetry.

For geometric shapes and its properties refer

2 D shapes –

3 D shapes  –

An equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry. It is a regular polygon. A square has 4 lines of symmetry.

An equilateral and equiangular polygon is called a regular polygon. Eg. Equilateral triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon…… decagon.

There is an interesting fact about regular polygons which will surprise you.

The lines of symmetry in regular polygons follow an interesting rule.

  • An equilateral triangle (3 sides) has 3 lines of symmetry.
  • A square (4 sides) has 4 lines of symmetry.
  • A regular pentagon (5 sides) has 5 lines of symmetry.
  • A regular decagon (10 sides) has 10 lines of symmetry.

Therefore, regular polygon with n sides has n lines of symmetry.

There is another interesting fact about circles. How many lines of symmetry does a circle have?

Post your answers in the comment box. Lets then discuss about it.

For more creative activities in worksheets form, refer