Ordering Numbers

How do we sort and order numbers?

Its just by ascending and descending the numbers given. In this topic, children would learn to compare and order numbers using the place value concept of numbers. http://mathfunworksheets.com/ordering-numbers/ Numbers are either written form the smallest or the least to the biggest or the greatest. Having learnt to compare numbers in the previous topic, this assortment… Read More »

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Column Subtraction

Do you have the habit of counting the change delivered by the cashier at the mall or supermarket?

I hope its ‘yes’. How do we calculate the amount given back. Its Subtraction. What is the amount left behind. Simply Subtract. This can be confusing at first. But make it easy for your children by downloading our free subtraction worksheets. Concepts of borrowing and without borrowing are given. Large number subtraction is also emphasized.… Read More »

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3 Addends Addition Worksheets

Dear Parents and Students, do you want to make elementary school math simple?

Ready to master math? Click the topics below right away to know how addition forms the framework of math. This is the first basic math operation taught to all kinders. All the addition worksheets here are free and can be downloaded easily. Mathfunworksheets have most colorful and extra ordinary worksheets. Addition Tables Vertical Addition Horizontal… Read More »

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