
Numbers & Operations

Place value for Decimals

Home Numbers & Operations Place Value Place value for Decimals Place value for Decimals Worksheets Free printable place value worksheets for decimals are for Grade 4 through Grade 6. we have learnt the place value of whole numbers. Decimal number place value system starts from tenths. A whole number is seperated from it’s decimal number using a dot(.) . Eg. 834.986 Whole Number- 843 is seperated from its Decimal number 986 using a dot. Lets look into the decimal numbers now.9 tenths = 9/10This can also be written as 0.98 hundredths = 8/1008/100 can also be represented as 0.086 thousandths = 6/1000This is written as 0.006 In the whole number decimal system we used tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands. Here, we will use tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, and more.Lets learn to read decimal numbers and write them in words.1. 0.7 is read as Seven tenths2. 2.68 is read as Two and sixty eight hundredths3. 55.937 is read as Fifty five and nine hundred thirty seven thousandths4. 623.1472 is read as Six hundred twenty three and one thousand four hundres seventy two ten thousandths. Download all these free worksheets to learn decimal place value system and to round decimal numbers with reference to their place value. Place value for Decimals Worksheets

6-Digit Place Value Worksheets

Home Numbers & Operations Place Value 6-Digit Place Value 6-Digit Place Value worksheets 6-Digit Place value worksheets are to be considered as large digit place value worksheets. The value of each digit is shown in the charts given below. There are more than 40 worksheets here, where you will have to find the value of digits, write numerals in expanded form and standard form, compose and decompose numbers, answer multiple choice questions, match the following correctly, use base 10 blocks and Abacus to determine the position of each digit and many more skills. Download all the worksheets for free and practice them. These worksheets can be used to learn scientific notation as well. 6-Digit Place Value Worksheets

5-Digit Place Value Worksheets

Home Numbers & Operations Place Value 5-Digit Place Value 5-Digit Place Value worksheets 5 digit place value worksheets for Grade 4 can be also called as large digit place value of numbers as this would introduce ten thousands to us. Ten hundreds (10 x 100) make a ‘thousand’. Similarly ten thousands (10 x 1000) make ‘ten thousand’. Simple multiplication, involving multiples of ten can help to determine the value of digits in a number. Everything about the numbers starting from 10,000 to 99,999 are on your finger tips. Lets discuss this with a simple example. 67,520 is read is as sixty seven thousand five hundred and twenty one. The expanded form of this number is 60000 + 7000 + 500 + 20 + 0 Six ten thousands, seven thousands, 5 hundreds, 20 tens, and 0 ones. With the place value of digits, you can form any number. Easily compose and decompose numbers. Printable charts can be used for reference. Multi-digit arithmetic operations can be performed at ease when you master these worksheets.  5-Digit Place Value worksheets

4 Digit Place Value Worksheets

Home Numbers & Operations Place Value 4 Digit Place Value 4 Digit Place Value worksheets 4-digit place value worksheets are for our grade 3 beginners. These worksheets help you to round numbers to the nearest ones, tens, hundreds and thousands. Also, fluently add and subtract numbers upto 9,999. Students can form numbers using the amount of thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. Take a number, say 4,593. This number has four thousands, 5 hundreds, 9 tens and 3 ones. We read this number as four thouand five hundred and ninty threeTherefore 4,593 = 4,000 + 500 + 90 + 3. Add all the above given numbers. We get 4,593. Over 45 worksheets in this section gives you abundant practice. All we need to do here is to fill in the blanks, match the following, answer multiple choice questions, form numbers, read numbers, identify the value of underlined digits  in a 4 digit number and many more exercises. 4 Digit Place Value worksheets

3-Digit Place Value Worksheets

Home Numbers & Operations Place Value 3-Digit Place Value 3-Digit Place Value Worksheets These 3-digit  Place Value worksheets and activities are for Grade 2 learners. Let us make children understand that the 3 digits in a 3 digit number represents the amount of hundreds, tens and ones. 10 unit blocks make ‘tens’. Similarly, ten tens make a ‘hundred’. Let us look into an example. Take a number 874. It is read as eight hundred and seventy four. How did you read so?There are 8 hundreds, 7 tens and 4 ones in the above mentioned three digit number.Place value understanding is most important for addition and subtraction. On practising these worksheets, children would learn the place value worksheet of numbers from 100 to 999. You will learn to read numbers, count hundreds, tens, and ones using blocks, form three digit numbers, write numbers in expanded and compact form, find place value of underlined digits, and you can also enjoy a few activities here. 3-Digit Place Value Worksheets

2 Digit Place Value Worksheets

Home Numbers & Operations Place Value 2-Digit Place Value 2-Digit Place Value Worksheets Our 2-Digit Place Value worksheets are designed to help children understand the value of each digit in a two-digit number, building a strong foundation for more advanced math concepts. These worksheets offer a variety of activities to reinforce the understanding of tens and ones in numbers from 10 to 99. Students break down two-digit numbers into tens and ones. For example, for the number 42, they identify that there are 4 tens and 2 ones. Activities where students place numbers in the correct column (tens and ones) on a place value chart. 2-Digit Place Value Worksheets

Patterns Worksheets

Home Numbers & Operations Pattern Worksheets Free Printable Pattern Worksheets Download Learn to observe the pattern of colors, shapes, numbers, letters and objects in these pattern worksheets . Different themes are used and a lot of activities are included for practise . Follow the pattern to find the missing ones and complete them. Printable pattern charts are also free to download.   Pattern Worksheets

Types of fractions

Home Numbers & Operations Fractions Types of fractions Types of fractions Worksheets Worksheets on types of fractions have various skills to make you familiar with these cocepts. Let us discuss in detail about the types of fractions. Examples provide you clariications and make concepts easy to understand. A fraction where numerator is smaller than the denominator is a proper fraction.Eg.        1/4       ,  10/21       ,  18/35         A fraction where numerator is greater than the denominator is called an improper fractionEg.        1/4       ,  10/21       ,  18/35        A fraction which has a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction is a mixed fraction.Eg.       41/2;  ,   63/4;  , 1012/27 Equivalent fractions  are fractions that represent same quantityEg.        1/3       ,  2/6       ,  3/9       , 4/12       ,  5/15       1/3       ,  (1*2/3*2       ) ,  (1*3/3*3       ) , (1*4/3*4      ) ,  (1*5/3*5       ) Unit fractions are fractions with 1 as their numeratorEg.        1/4       ,  1/5       ,  1/7         Fractions with same denominators are called Like fractionsEg.        1/4       ,  3/4       ,  5/4        Fractions with different denominators are called Unlike fractionsEg.        6/4       ,  3/7       ,  5/14        Download them all for unlimited practice. Types of fractions Worksheets free download pdf

Multiplying and Dividing fractions

Home Numbers & Operations Fractions Multiplying and Dividing fractions Multiplying and Dividing fractions Worksheets Fraction multiplication and fraction division are much easier compared to fraction addition and fraction subtraction. In a fraction the numerator can be divided by the denominator. When it comes to fraction multiplication of two fractions multiply the numerators and denominators and express it as a fraction again. Finally convert it into the lowest term and then simplify the fraction. The lowest term of a fraction can be obtained by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their HCF. When we divide two fractions, the second fraction is reversed, that is the numerator is made the denominator and the denominator becomes the numerator and the simply multiply the fractions. Then, reduce to the lowest term and simplify it to get the final answer.  A few examples for multiplication and division are solved step by step for complete understanding. 1)Fraction multiplication 2)Fraction Division 3)Fraction Multiplication and Division From these examples, you must be thorough with fraction multiplication and division. Now, these free printable worksheets are your cup of tea. Download and practice all these sheets. Multiplying and Dividing fractions Worksheets

Comparing and Ordering fractions

Home Numbers & Operations Fractions Comparing and Ordering fractions Comparing and Ordering fractions Worksheets We have already learnt comparing and ordering numbers. Comparing fractions and ordering fractions are based on a different concept. When you compare and order fractions, the first step is to make the denominators the same. To make it simple, lets divide it into three: Comparing like fractions Comparing unlike fractions Comparing unit fractions Comparison of unlike fractions: We have two easy methods to comapre unlike fractions By converting them into like fractions (Denominators are made the same)       Unlike fractions are first converted into like fractions. Like fractions are compared easily using their numerators. Follow the example given below.     2. By Cross Multiplication   Cross multiplication is another quick and easy method to compare fractions. Consider two fractions.    Comparision of unit fractions: Similarly, any number of fractions can be compared. Upon comparing, they can be ordered in ascending order (increasing order) and descending order (decreasing order). These worksheets have exercises to compare and order fractions. Download all materials for free. Comparing and Ordering fractions Worksheets

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